Change. Change. Change.

March 05, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Wow, Can't believe it's 2014…. guess I'm a little behind since it is MARCH!!!  Do you remember last year? I was going to become a faithful blogger. HAHAHAHAHHAA!!! That didn't last. But to fill you all in… I became pregnant last May, had a beautiful baby girl the day after Christmas. Yes, you are right, the math doesn't add up. I had a ton of complications. I managed to get through it with only a couple delays in my work….oh, and an extended maternity leave. (Which I am still technically on.) April I will be back in the swing of things and that is the reason I am blogging. 

Towards the end of last year & the beginning of being put on bed rest. I was finding my inspiration GONE. My love for my business & photography was fading fast. Now maybe it was the fact that I was really sick, growing a child & swelling by the second. Or maybe….just maybe…. I was letting the photography industry start to devour me whole.  Just like so many photographers, we try to please everyone & do all the new "IN" things. Well, I am not going to lie….I don't have the time or the creativity to come up with a stylized session. YEP, I admit…I am NOT one bit artsy like that. And I would let that get to me. WHY can't I think of those ideas!!!! Those of you that are that creative, hats off to you…I'm jealous!! AND prop craziness….ehhhh…come on. Now, don't get me wrong I like simple props.  We all know I'm a sucker for a headband & a cute basket/bucket….but I draw the line at kissing booths & lemonade stands, can't do it!!   Then I would try different editing techniques because others were…but nothing felt right when I strayed from my "likes". I would hate certain sessions, because in  all reality I was trying to be something I am not.

So, On maternity leave I started reading some photography books, blogs & following one photographer that I idolize. Getting back to the drawing board she called it. Yep, that's what I had to do. Look at all your pictures, she said. Find your favorites….that is your style. WAIT, WHAT????? I had a style???? The photography I LOVE…..simple, classic, timeless…. YEP, I said it SIMPLE!! And I think this is why I love to photograph outside, nothing is fake!

 I will be getting back to my passion, my inspiration…the photography I love!! I will no longer be getting new fake backdrops, I am sorry it's just NOT me. Nor will I try to buy a big ol' fake mushroom for your kid to sit on!!  I am about the emotions & feelings of  my subjects & the last thing I want is something to take away from the moments I am capturing for you…. What does that mean for Shannon Beth Photography? It means that my heart & soul will be in every session with  no distractions!! It means that 20 years from now when you look at your portraits you will see your love ones, not what was in style that year….With the exception of clothing, that will always be a tall tale sign of the times!!  If that is what you are looking for, I invite you to email me & we can get your session scheduled!!! 


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